
PA Workout for the Week – 05/21/2020

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Here is the example of our Workout of the day from this week, We provide a DAILY Workout of the day with Warm-up and Cooldown. Our daily training programs come with a video of each section as well as a coach’s briefing to help you scale the workout appropriately to your level.


PA Home WOD Briefing:




Accumulate 3 Min of L-sit


5 sets of:

6 strict handstand (or pike) push-ups

12 push-ups 

24 shoulder taps

Rest 3 minutes between sets.



You can scale down the workout to your ability, a good option would be to reduce the number of reps as below:

Accumulate 2 Min of L-sit


3 sets of:

6 strict handstand (or pike) push-ups

12 push-ups 

24 shoulder taps

Rest 3 minutes between sets.


Spend 10 to 15 with a warm-up, Follow below sequence 


2 rounds of:

10 Hollow rocks

10 Superman 

10 elbow to instep

10 Active shoulder drill

PVC pass-throughs+around the world+reverse grip

10 Wrist and arm stretch



Spend 10 min with Cool Down, follow below sequence 


2 min wrist and arm stretch

30-sec cobra pose

30-sec child pose



We provide 5 workouts a week and above is one of them,  You can try our FREE 7-day trial subscription and experience PA Coaching by filling up the form: Link 


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